The Sunshine Vitamin –
How Vitamin D Helps Fertility

Vitamin D, often known as the “sunshine vitamin,” is essential for many bodily functions including bone health and immune system support.  However, recent studies have shown that it also plays an important role when it comes to fertility. During this blog, we will explore why vitamin D is important for both women and men individually when trying to start a family.

For women

Hormone balance: Vitamin D helps to balance your hormones, which is crucial for regular ovulation (the release of the egg) and a healthy menstrual cycle.

Healthy ovaries: Vitamin D supports the ovaries, helping to produce high-quality eggs, which increase the chances of getting pregnant.

Womb health: It keeps the lining of the uterus healthy, making it easier for an embryo (fertilized egg) to implant and grow.

For men

Better sperm: Vitamin D improves sperm quality, making them move better and be healthier, which is essential for fertilisation.

Hormone support: It helps produce testosterone, which is necessary for making sperm.

Pregnant women standing in field of flowers with sunshine behind her

Benefits for both

Strong immune system: Vitamin D helps your immune system, which reduces your chances of getting ill which can affect fertility.

Better mood and less stress: It boosts mood and reduces stress, which can positively impact fertility.

Tips on how to get enough vitamin D

Sunlight: Spend more time outside in the sun, especially in the morning or late afternoon.

Food: Eat foods rich in vitamin D, like fatty fish (such as salmon and mackerel), fortified dairy products, egg yolks, and mushrooms.

Supplements: If you can’t get enough vitamin D from sunlight and food, consider taking supplements. Check with your doctor before starting any new supplement to make sure you take the correct dose and do not experience any unwanted side effects.

Research shows that vitamin D plays a very important role in fertility for both women and men. It helps to balance hormones, supports reproductive health, and improves overall well-being. Make sure you get enough vitamin D through sun exposure, diet, and supplements if needed, to help on your journey to becoming parents. Learn more about the types of vitamins, supplements and nutrition needed for a healthy start to your pregnancy.

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Pregnant woman smiling while using her laptop with her hand on her bump
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