The Liquid Gold – Colostrum Harvesting and its Benefits

Chances are that at some point throughout your pregnancy journey, you will come across the term colostrum harvesting. But what is it? Colostrum, often referred to as "liquid gold," is a golden fluid packed with nutrients and antibodies. It is essential to support your new baby for a healthy start in life. Let's find out more about colostrum harvesting and some of its remarkable benefits.

Understanding colostrum

Colostrum is the first fluid your breasts produce immediately after birth. It is not only beneficial for your baby but also holds immense value for you too.

Colostrum is unlike the milk you produce later on, both in what it’s made of and how it looks. It’s thicker, packed with more proteins and contains higher levels of antibodies. This concentrated liquid is tailored to meet the specific and unique needs of your baby, providing them with a vital boost to kickstart their immune system and promote growth and development.

Colostrum harvesting also plays an important role in stabilising the blood sugar levels for mothers with diabetes.

How to harvest colostrum

Antenatal colostrum harvesting involves the collection and storage of this precious fluid from the mother’s breasts during pregnancy. Mothers can manually express colostrum by gently massaging their breasts and collecting the colostrum in a syringe to store in the freezer for later use. Mothers can then use the harvested colostrum to feed their baby if breastfeeding is delayed or if there are challenges in getting the breastfeeding journey started smoothly.

Healthy new born baby boy laying on mother chest. Skin to Skin

Benefits of colostrum harvesting for your baby

Nutritional support: Collecting colostrum before birth guarantees that your baby gets vital nutrients and antibodies right from the start, even if breastfeeding doesn’t begin right away or you encounter difficulties.

Immune protection: Colostrum is teeming with antibodies, which help to protect your little one from infections and diseases. By providing colostrum immediately after birth, even before the onset of breastfeeding, your baby will receive a boost to their immune system, helping to protect them until their immune system matures.

Bonding: Antenatal colostrum harvesting helps mothers to be to strengthen the bond with their baby even before birth.

Breastfeeding support: For mothers who may encounter challenges with breastfeeding initially, having a supply of colostrum readily available can offer support and encouragement to continue with their breastfeeding journey.

How to harvest colostrum before birth

Before doing any antenatal colostrum harvesting it is essential for you to have a conversation with your midwife or doctor to ensure it’s appropriate for your individual pregnancy.

Techniques for antenatal colostrum expression typically involve gentle massage and hand expression of the breasts to stimulate the production and collection of colostrum.

Colostrum can be collected in sterile syringes or containers and stored in the freezer. It’s important to follow proper storage guidelines to maintain the integrity and safety of the colostrum. Each container of harvested colostrum should be labelled with the date and time of expression to ensure proper tracking and use.

Important considerations

Research shows that antenatal colostrum harvesting is generally safe for most pregnant women. However, it’s crucial to seek guidance from a healthcare professional, especially if there are concerns or risk factors. Some women may experience discomfort or uterine contractions while expressing colostrum antenatally. It’s essential to stop if there is any discomfort and seek advice from a healthcare provider. And it’s important not to start colostrum harvesting before you reach 37 weeks of pregnancy to prevent any chance of triggering labour.

So, there you have it! Although not for everyone, harvesting colostrum before birth is a proactive way for you to give your baby the best nutrition and care right from the start, helping breastfeeding and bonding to begin smoothly.

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