Health Visitor

What is a health visitor?

A health visitor is a qualified healthcare professional who supports the well-being of individuals and families.

Specialising in public health, they offer guidance and practical assistance, particularly during pregnancy, infancy, and early childhood.

They provide valuable advice on topics such as nutrition, child development and parenting skills.

And they conduct home visits, assess health needs and connect families with relevant community resources, contributing to the overall health and welfare of individuals across various life stages.

How can they help?

Guidance and support for new parents, addressing concerns related to postpartum recovery and newborn care.

Monitoring and identification of potential developmental delays in infants and children, facilitating early intervention.

Assistance with common parenting challenges, such as feeding difficulties, sleep issues and behaviour concerns.

Advice on proper nutrition for both infants and children, addressing concerns related to growth and development.

A compassionate and understanding presence to help parents experiencing mental health challenges, such as postpartum depression.

Meet our health visitors

Julia Palmer-Ndu
Julia Palmer-Ndu

Infant Feeding Specialist & Health Visitor

Abby Cornick
Abby Cornick

Health Visitor, Gentle Sleep Practitioner & Infant Massage Instructor