Four Steps for Breathing Your Baby Out During Labour

Giving birth should be a beautiful, empowering experience. But we also know that for some mums it can unfortunately be a difficult, long and stressful process. Research has shown that breathing exercises can really help to shorten the second stage of labour. And “breathing your baby out” is a technique to help keep you calm and controlled.

1. Wait as long as possible before pushing

Pushing early is an easy way to tire yourself out, emotionally and physically. Your body does most of the work for you, gradually dilating and stretching as it prepares for birth. So, its recommended that you try to resist the urge to bear down until your body tells you it’s time to start pushing. The lower your baby is, the stronger the urges will become and they will eventually become so strong that you cannot resist any longer. 

Four Steps for Breathing Your Baby Out During Labour

2. Relax your jaw

Your face and mouth are physiologically linked to your pelvic floor. When your face, jaw, neck and shoulders are completely relaxed, it allows your lower pelvic area to relax as well. When your face and mouth are relaxed your body will react instinctively to reduce tension and tightness.  

3. Controlled breathing

Breathing plays a big part in your birth journey, helping you to stay calm, relaxed and ready to push down. Taking deep breaths and breathing through your nose helps to reduce anxiety and tension breathe in through your nose and then slowly exhale through your mouth as if you’re saying a very quiet “ahh.” 

4. Exhale downward

When you exhale normally, your lungs and abdominal cavity compress. However, when you exhale using the slow “ahhs” your lower tummy will move in a downward motion. This slight pressure from breathing can help to push your baby out quickly and effectively. 

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Talk to a midwife

We hope this helps.  And if you’d like to find out more about how controlled breathing exercises can help you during labour, why not book an appointment with one of our midwives and they can walk you through these techniques and more. 

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