Third Trimester Symptoms and Where to Get Support


The third trimester covers weeks 28 to 40 and it’s an exciting time as your baby grows rapidly, preparing for birth. As you approach the final weeks, you may experience new physical and emotional changes.

Here’s a breakdown of what will be happening during this time; some insights into physical and emotional symptoms you might experience; and a guide to where you can get the support you need.

Third Trimester Symptoms and Where to Get Support

Third trimester timeline

Weeks 28-32: Your baby continues to grow in size and weight, and their organs mature. You may experience increased discomfort as your body prepares for labour.

Weeks 33-36: The baby is filling up more space in your uterus, which can cause increased pressure on your bladder and organs. You might also start to feel more fatigued as you near the end of your pregnancy.

Weeks 37-40: Your baby is fully developed and getting ready for delivery. You may notice signs that your body is preparing for labour, such as Braxton Hicks contractions or nesting behaviours.

This is an exciting time, but we know it can come with many changes. Let’s break down some common symptoms and how Pregma’s expert clinicians can support you.

Physical symptoms

Increased discomfort and back pain

As your baby grows larger, you may feel more pressure on your back and hips. So, who can help? Our midwives can offer tips on positions and exercises to alleviate discomfort. And our physiotherapists can help you with stretches and exercises to improve posture and reduce pain.

Frequent urination and pelvic pressure

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As your baby’s head moves lower into the pelvis, you may feel more pressure on your bladder. So, who can help? Our obstetricians can assess your position and provide advice on managing bladder pressure.

Swelling of hands, feet and ankles

Swelling can be common in the third trimester due to increased blood flow and pressure from the growing uterus. So, who can help? Our midwives can recommend techniques to reduce swelling and help you manage fluid retention.

Difficulty sleeping

As your belly grows, you may struggle to find a comfortable position for sleep. So, who can help? Our sleep specialists can offer advice on creating a relaxing bedtime routine and managing discomfort to improve sleep quality.

Shortness of breath

As the baby grows, it can press against your diaphragm, making it harder to take deep breaths. So, who can help? Our obstetricians can monitor your breathing and offer strategies to improve your comfort.

Emotional symptoms

Anxiety about labour and delivery

It’s natural to feel nervous as your due date approaches. So, who can help? Our midwives can provide guidance on what to expect during labour and delivery. And our mental health specialists can help you manage stress and calm any anxieties about the upcoming birth.

Mood swings and irritability

Hormonal fluctuations and the approaching end of pregnancy may leave you feeling more emotional. So, who can help? Our mental health specialists can provide emotional support and stress management techniques to help you stay balanced.

Nesting instincts

Many women experience the urge to prepare their home for the baby. While this is normal, it can also be overwhelming. So, who can help? Our midwives can offer advice on how to prepare for labour, birth and the baby’s arrival without overexerting yourself.

Wellbeing symptoms

Breech position and birth preparation

If your baby is in a breech position, you may need guidance on turning exercises or options for delivery. So, who can help? Our obstetricians can assess the baby’s position and provide information on options like external cephalic version (ECV) or a planned caesarean section if necessary.

Braxton Hicks contractions

These are practice contractions that help your body prepare for labour. While uncomfortable, they are typically not painful. So, who can help? Our midwives can help you understand the difference between Braxton Hicks and true labour contractions, providing reassurance during this phase.

Increased appetite or cravings

As your body prepares for labour, you may feel hungrier. So, who can help? Our nutritionists can provide a balanced meal plan that ensures you get the nutrients needed for both you and your baby as you approach delivery.

Let Pregma support you during your third trimester

The third trimester is an exciting and intense time as you prepare to meet your baby. Pregma’s team of specialists is here to guide you through this vital stage and ensure your third trimester is as smooth as possible:

    1. Our obstetricians provide regular check-ups, manage complications and prepare you for delivery.
    2. Our midwives offer emotional and physical support, helping you navigate the final stages of pregnancy.
    3. Our physiotherapists provide exercises to alleviate discomfort and maintain body alignment.
    4. Our sleep specialists help you with techniques for improving sleep as you near the end of your pregnancy.
    5. Our mental health specialists offer emotional support and guidance on managing anxiety and stress.
    6. And our nutritionists ensure you’re eating a balanced diet to support both you and your baby.

Pregnancy doesn’t always follow a strict timeline and it’s completely normal to go a little past your due date. At Pregma, our clinicians are here to support you with care and reassurance as you navigate these final stages.

If you’ve reached 41 weeks +5 days, it’s essential to monitor your pregnancy closely. Discuss your options with your midwife or obstetric consultant to make the best decisions for you and your baby.

So, if you need specific help with any aspect of your pregnancy, or just want additional general support or advice, why not book a consultation today?

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